The following features were released on November 6th, 2012Invoke Event Enhancement1) OpenURLA new reason string, InvokeEventReason.OPENURL has been added to InvokeEvent.reason for mobile devices only. The InvokeEvent.reason will now return “openUrl” to indicate that the InvokeEvent occured because the application was invoked by another application or the system. The first element of the argument array will continue to contain the URL with which the application was invoked.
If additional parameters are passed to the application by the system, they should be passed on to the actionscript developer in the InvokeEvent.arguments array.The arguments property of the InvokeEvent class will contain the array of options with which the application was launched. The list of arguments for iOS are. 2) Push NotificationsA user can also launch an application (not running in background) on receiving a push notification by clicking on the launch button or banner shown on iOS.
For such cases, a new reason string, InvokeEventReason.NOTIFICATION has been added to InvokeEvent.reason. The arguments property of the InvokeEvent class will contain the Object that specifies the notification payload received after which the application was launched. This is supported only on iOS. Since arguments is an array of Strings, it is expected from the application developer to typecast it into Object type.
Packaging multiple libraries in an ANEThis feature will allow developers to reuse the static libraries they created or received in their ANE, without having to copy the source into the ANE. For using this feature, it is required to use the platform descriptor namespace 3.5 with a new tag, packagedDependencies. This feature can be used on both iOS device as well as iOS Simulator. The linking of libraries will be handled by the runtime, at the time of packaging the IPA.The developer needs to use a platform descriptor file, with namespace 3.5 and include the following tag as a child element of the tag.
A developer can specify the name or relative path of any packaged dependencies he wishes to include in the ANE. A packaged dependency should be a static library having the extension,.a,.framework, or.o. The packaged dependency should support the architecture, armv7 for device and i386 for the iOS Simulator. The dependency can be used by the main library file(specified in the tag in the extension descriptor) simply by declaring the functions etc.
From the packagedDependency in the header files or anywhere before usage.At the time of packaging the ANE, the packaged dependencies specified in the platform.xml file should be provided anywhere after the -platform iPhone-ARM switch and before the next -platform switch in case of device and after the -platform iPhone-x86 switch and before the next -platform switch in case of iOS Simulator. For example, for the above specification in platform.xml file for ios device, the packaging command would be something like:Note: In case the packagedDependency is not added in the platform descriptor file, but is specified in the packaging command, it will be packaged as a normal resource, and will not be treated as a dependency in the final IPA. Authoring for Flash Player 11.5To use the new Flash Player, you will need to target SWF version 18 by passing in an extra compiler argument to the Flex compiler: -swf-version=18. Directions are below. If you are using the Adobe Flex SDK:.
Download the new playerglobal.swc for Flash Player 11.5. Download Flex 4.5.1 SDK ( from the Flex 4.5 SDK table. Install the build in your development environment. In Flash Builder, create a new ActionScript project: File - New - ActionScript project. Open the project Properties panel (right-click and chose 'Properties'). Select ActionScript Compiler from the list on the left.
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Use the 'Configure Flex SDK's' option in the upper right hand corner to point the project to Flex build 21328. Click ok. Configure your project to target SWF version 18. Open the project Properties panel (right-click and chose 'Properties'). Select ActionScript Compiler from the list on the left.
Add to the 'Additional compiler arguments' input: -swf-version=18. This ensures the outputted SWF targets SWF version 18. If you compile on the command-line and not in Flash Builder, you need to add the same compiler argument. Ensure you have installed the new Flash Player 11.5 build in your browser.Authoring for AIR 3.5 Update to the AIR 3.5 namespaceYou must update your application descriptor file to the 3.5 namespace in order to access the new AIR 3.5 APIs and behavior. If your application does not require the new AIR 3.5 APIs and behavior, you are not required to update the namespace. However, we recommend all users start using the AIR 3.5 namespace even if you are not yet taking advantage of the new 3.5 capabilities. To update the namespace, change the xmlns attribute in your application descriptor to.
Please submit a bug to the Flash Player and Adobe AIR.Flash Player and AIR may leverage your graphics hardware to decode and play H.264 video. There may be video issues that can only be reproduced with your particular graphics hardware and driver. When reporting an issue involving video, it is essential to note your graphics hardware and driver, along with your operating system and browser (when using Flash Player), so that we can reproduce and investigate issues.
Please be sure to include this information as described in. Note: Due to the high volume of email we receive, we are unable to respond to every request.Thank you for using Adobe® Flash Player® and AIR® and for taking the time to send us your feedback!
The Android SDK is composed of modular packages that you can download separately using the Android SDK Manager. For example, when the SDK Tools are updated or a new version of the Android platform is released, you can use the SDK Manager to quickly download them to your environment. Simply follow the procedures described in Adding Platforms and Packages.What's New:. A command-line version of the Apk Analyzer has been added in tools/bin/apkanalyzer. It offers the same features as the Apk Analyzer in Android Studio and can be integrated into build/CI servers and scripts for tracking size regressions, generating reports, and so on.
ProGuard rules files under tools/proguard are no longer used by the Android Plugin for Gradle. Added a comment to explain that. When creating an AVD with avdmanager, it is no longer necessary to specify -tag if the package specified by -package only contains a single image (as is the case for all images currently distributed by Google).There are several different packages available for the Android SDK. The table below describes most of the available packages and where they're located once you download them.29.0.5 (October 2019) Command-line tools:adb.
Slight performance improvement on Linux when using many simultaneous connections. Add -fastdeploy option to adb install, for incremental updates to APKs while developing.Available Packages:. SDK Tools. Contains tools for debugging and testing, plus other utilities that are required to develop an app.
If you've just installed the SDK starter package, then you already have the latest version of this package. Make sure you keep this up to date. SDK Platform-tools.
Contains platform-dependent tools for developing and debugging your application. These tools support the latest features of the Android platform and are typically updated only when a new platform becomes available. These tools are always backward compatible with older platforms, but you must be sure that you have the latest version of these tools when you install a new SDK platform. Documentation. An offline copy of the latest documentation for the Android platform APIs.
SDK Platform. There's one SDK Platform available for each version of Android. It includes an android.jar file with a fully compliant Android library.
In order to build an Android app, you must specify an SDK platform as your build target. System Images. Each platform version offers one or more different system images (such as for ARM and x86). The Android emulator requires a system image to operate. You should always test your app on the latest version of Android and using the emulator with the latest system image is a good way to do so.
Sources for Android SDK. A copy of the Android platform source code that's useful for stepping through the code while debugging your app. Samples for SDK.
A collection of sample apps that demonstrate a variety of the platform APIs. These are a great resource to browse Android app code. The API Demos app in particular provides a huge number of small demos you should explore. Google APIs.
An SDK add-on that provides both a platform you can use to develop an app using special Google APIs and a system image for the emulator so you can test your app using the Google APIs. Android Support.
A static library you can include in your app sources in order to use powerful APIs that aren't available in the standard platform.