11 SharesIt’s not an easy task for a development team to make enough improvements to a yearly sports game series to warrant a purchase every year. However, EA Sports has not only managed to add enough features and gameplay tweaks to make Madden NFL 2004 a more than worthy purchase for those who bought last year’s game, but it has also created one of best football games to date. Madden NFL 2004 covers nearly every facet of professional football, but what makes this year’s entry in the series so special is the fact that it ties all its components together seamlessly.
Even the new gameplay features have been integrated incredibly well, and the result is a game that models the sport of professional football much more intricately than any other game before it.You need for downloading.torrent files.
When you create a playbook, make a formation withthe quarterback one step back from the center,and the halfback in the same location as thequarterback, only behind the left tackle. Make acustom route for him. Have him run straighttowards the QB, then streak as soon as he reachesthe outside of the offensive line. Have thefullback out as a receiver going for a 25 yardpost.
Have the left side receiver go for a 25yard streak, and make a custom for the rightreceiver (next to the fullback). Have him gostraight for 5 yards, have a two second delay,then post left. About the time he starts hispost, the fullback should be starting his, andthe defense re-adjusts to cover both men, leavingjust enough time to get the ball to your openhalfback. This works about 90 percent of thetime.
You must be quick to avoid getting sacked. If you have Bill Callahan's defensive playbook,go to Nickle defense and scroll down until youfind Middle Blitz. Select that play then shiftboth your line and your LBs inside. You shouldget a sack about 85% of the time.When on defense, enter the 4-3. Find the Man Buzzplay.
Flip the play until the blitzing outsidelinebaker is blitzing on a side where there areno TEs, and preferably no RBs. Shift your D-Lineand LBs to the outside.
Your outside LB should beable to get to the QB cleanly, and get the sack. Go to 'Rosters' and select the Green Bay Packers'Wide Receivers. Make Donald Driver 6'8' ortaller in his information. Next, get out and goplay the two minute drill with the Packers asyour team and the Amsterdam Admirals as thedefense (European Team). Then, go to Shotgunformation, then to Shotgun 4WR and find HailMary. Keep throwing touchdowns to Donald Driver.Just throw bombs; because of his height he shouldeasily catch it.
After your done with the twominute drill, go to your Madden Cards and saveyour profile. Next, buy a pack of cards. Usuallywhen you have about 250 cards out of 285 cards,you will get a lot of repeats. You may have 400points and get nothing. This is why you shouldsave the game before you buy the cards, so thatyou get a second chance at getting a card thatyou do not already have and do not waste yourpoints on cards you already have. Enter owner mode and create a player.Intentionally keep his stats very low and signhim to your team for the maximum number of yearsat a minimum salary.
Then, return to the playercreation screen (not through the rosters), andchange his attributes to full. You will be ableto keep the player through the length of hiscontract for the original low salary.While in franchise or owner mode, when asked toinput players at the end of a season, begin thisby doing the regular offseason procedures. Whenthe next screen appears, go to your features tocreate-a-player. Create your player, but make hisattributes between 12 to 20. Save the player,then go to offseason features until you get to re-sign free agents.
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Begin the bargaining process onyour created player (if the above steps are donecorrectly, his salary should be between $200,000to $400,000) and sign him. When main screenappears, go back into the features and highlightyour created player you just signed. Go toattributes and raise all the attributes to 99.Notice that although the overall rating goes up,the salary remains the same.