Review: Colasoft Capsa Enterprise is a professional network sniffer provides a comprehensive network analysis, automated diagnosis mode, and network monitoring in real time. Although it is already packed with a wide range of characteristics, application has a clean and straightforward interface that gives users the ability to view the details of network connectivity in the graph. Consists What? With more Colasoft Capsa Enterprise several modes of analysis developed specifically for help to run the full test (provides detailed information about all applications and network problems), make a quick assessment monitor traffic (it provides statistical analysis for excessive network traffic), as well as to obtain information about potential security risks, traffic and performance HTTP, POP3, SMTP, FTP, DNS and traffic, learning and IM. The application is able to display a summary report containing information about events and error messages, the average size of the package, local and remote IP addresses, the overall protocol, DNS queries and responses, FTP upload and download information, as well as many other details. There are several tools diagnosis designed to provide information about possible problems (such as slow response, refused connections, port unreachable), the details of the protocol, as well as the physical and IP endpoints, and physical, IP, TCP, UDP and conversation.
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Other important features worth mentioning allow users to view a matrix with the physical node and the conversation, hours of operation, export packet, print the data or save it on the file, and set the alarm notification. All in all, Colasoft Capsa Enterprise proved to be a reliable tool for monitoring network forward already packed with many advanced features. She is able to see the network bottleneck and bandwidth use, identify network vulnerabilities, and fix potential problems.